Conscious Feminine Activation

Imagine waking up one day and realizing you don’t feel like yourself. You’re just going through the motions, playing a part in a life that doesn’t feel like your own. Your emotions are buried and not knowing what you’re truly feeling. Everything feels heavy including your body, chest & head, and your life strikes you as stuck. You have tried seeing therapists, eating healthier, exercising more and buying luxury things but something in life still feels off.

“I totally get it. I have been through that phase too, but I managed to come out of it quickly because I had the tools to help me.”

You might not even realize how you ended up in this situation and nothing seems to bring you joy & happiness even being around loved ones does not help. Your passion for living has just faded, projects at work don't fulfill you and your marriage might feel like it’s falling apart, making you feel like you’re failing yourself, and now you are on this dark, scary cloud and don’t know how to come down. Did you know that you're going through a major re-awakening process?

At this moment you may feel:

  • Chronic Aches and pain
  • Numbness & Spasms
  • Weak
  • Defeated
  • Stuck
  • Hurt
  • Triggered
  • Bitter & Resentful
  • Worthless
  • Purposeless

Now you just want to blame everyone around you for your present feelings and situation, sabotaging your beautiful life, business or job, as well as your income & health.

How about trusting me when I say there are other ways to overcome this. I have worked over 16 years helping my clients to release themselves from inner emotional triggers and activating their Divine Feminine side. All humans have feminine and masculine flow (Yin & Yang). However, lately I came across people with high activation of the sympathetic nervous system (masculine energy) and lack of parasympathetic flow (feminine energy). That means more physical pain, disease, discomfort, hormonal imbalances, relationship issues, & wealth manifestation blockages.

A few years back, I realized people around the world were searching but didn't know what or where exactly they should look. There is a deep calling from our collective consciousness. So I have decided to get you started with my 6 step process to cleanse your aura, and release the heaviness and stagnation in your body.

No need to figure it out on your own. I have invested 20 years in personal learning as a Chiropractor, spiritual coach and working with yogis, mentors and spiritual teachers. I’ve simplified this path for you to awaken your feminine side and create the SHAKTI flow within you, reigniting your sense of purpose, love, and joy. 

"SHAKTI is a representation of power, flow, fierceness and has a softer side too where she showers herself in gratitude and bliss."

Once you finish this course, you will definitely crave even more growth and expansion. Your perspective on life will shift. You’ll gain self-respect and transform into next-level BADASS, loving life from inside out. You’ll be invincible.

I can tell you are ready to have a one-on-one session with me. To book a 1:1 Coaching session please visit our website at Try your best to complete the course prior to booking a session with us.

All the blessings,

Dr. Rogini Thirukkumaran BSc., D.C., Spiritual mentor & Founder of Shakti Chiro

Inner Transformational Course

Clearing & Balancing your Energy to Manifest Higher Healing

    1. (Must read)

    1. Welcome to Inner Transformation/ Intro & Prep

    2. Lesson 1- Purifying your energy field & Kriya Yoga

    3. Lesson 2- Self Love & Self Acknowledgement Exercise

    4. Lesson 3 - Body Charging with Water, Fire and Earth elements & Intonation

    5. Lesson 4- Initiating into Inner Balance

    6. Lesson 5- Recognizing when you are in Negative State & how it affects our Body

    7. Lesson 6 Shifting from Depletion to Expansion

    1. Tips on how to Stop when you are already in a negative momentum

    1. Bonus: Intentional Healing of Chronic Pain

    2. Body & Organs Upgrade | Powerful Meditation

    1. Softening your Heart / Forgiveness

About this course

  • $222.00
  • which includes guided meditation, energy clearing, and raising vibration


Instructor Bio:

Dr. Rogini is a Spiritual Mastermind and a family Chiropractor over 14 years. Over the years she has not only helped her patients to get them out of pain and suffering but she has also guided them through metaphysical teachings to unlock their blueprint. Dr. Rogini who is well versed with evidence based practice has also done lots of research in energy healing and innerwork. Dr. Rogini calls herself clairsentient and clairvoyant and is highly involved with regular meditation practices, sound healing and practices that involve alchemizing mental and physical blocks. Her presence and her teachings are channeled and have light codes which will activate your innate potential. These universal codes will allow you to see through your blockages and step up in life in terms of health, wealth, relationships and much more. You will become in control of your beautiful life and allow yourself to stretch further to experience joy and abundance.

Dr. Rogini Thirukkumaran

All the blessings on your elevated journey

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